Hello there, and happy workspace Wednesday! You may have let your creative space pile up over the summer, and now that the cooler weather has set in you’re ready to clear out and get creative! We know you’ll love today’s Creative Spaces We Love post with Dorymar Perez. Her space is organized, beautifully decorated, and oh-so-pink—our favourite hue here at SCT! Let’s step into Dorymar’s space, and be sure to take notes for your organization project!

Hi friends! It’s Dorymar here today sharing my favorite room of the house, my scrapbook room! Since I was a kid, I have been passionate about creating and showing my ideas through crafting. After 12 years in the scrapbooking industry, I finally have my desired scrapbook room. Below I will share a little bit of my passion!

When my husband and I came to visit what is now our home three years ago, I knew this was the perfect room to create my happy place. It is an attic room with three windows in the ceiling and one in the back with lots of natural light to work with, lots of space, a closet, and wall compartments for more storage. 

The room has a main door and one that connects to my bedroom. It is fantastic because on sleepless nights it only takes two steps to reach my peaceful place. Upon entering, there is a small corridor with a station to use as an office, where I have my computer, my printers, my electronic cutting machines, and more space. 

Because pink is my favorite color, I use it as the main factor in the decoration of my scrapbooking room to express my passion and who I am. My whole house is designed with neutral colors, and this is the brightest room in the house. On the walls, I have a very precious painting that my youngest daughter gave me as a gift for one of my birthdays that is very sentimental and has significant value in my life. I also have a piece made by a very special friend of mine, Yuko Neal, and as I participate in Crop & Create Delivered events, I treasure each of the beautiful, Crop & Create cards framed on my wall. 

On the right side of my room, I have my oldest shelves. Each drawer is stored with different types of materials such as stamps, albums, flowers, trims, alphabets, buttons, etc. On the shelf, I have some of my favorite snap albums and 3D projects I created for classes I taught in my home country, Puerto Rico.

My back shelves are the famous Ikea Kallax units. Their size is perfect for the design of my walls. I personalized it with drawers, doors, shelf units, plastic bins, and canvas bins. The drawers and doors are used for paints, inks, adhesives, foils, and vinyl. The bins and shelves are used for cutters, papers, tools, etc.

On the left side, I also have an Ikea pegboard. I use this to hold the latest collections that I am going to work on. Below, I use towel bars to hold my border punches which fit perfectly and are visible to use at any time. 

On my desk, I have all the materials that I use to create my projects. I like to have them on hand, so I don’t waste time searching. On the right side of my desk, I have my organizers where I place the projects that need to be completed, the ones that I am working on, and the tools that I use the most, such as cutters, adhesives, scissors, brushes, inks, buttons, dies, etc.

Thanks for stopping by and allowing me to share my happy place with you! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you need some tips or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Happy crafting!

Find more of Dorymar’s work here: Instagram