Hello, July! It’s hard to believe that we are already into the second half of the year. Time is flying, so let’s capture some memories and make pretty things!

We hope you’ve been enjoying every last page of the Summer 2022 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today! If you haven’t seen it yet, you can read it online HERE for free, or better yet, get it delivered to you in full color print amazingness by treating yourself to a subscription!

Each issue is unique and special, and I want to share a couple of fun insights about this one.

SCT isn’t some massive conglomerate with hordes of employees. We are a small group of people who make magazine magic. Each issue begins with a concept meeting consisting or Publisher Catherine Tachdjian, Creative Editor Paige Evans, Art Director Cathy Zielske, and me, your esteemed Editor-in-Chief. The four of us toss out ideas for the issue. Lots of great discussions as we plan it all out!

One brainchild I had for this issue was the monochromatic nature of Creative Cards. I thought it would be super fun to have our contributors create single color cards, and it turned out soooo pretty! I used some gorgeous products from LDRS Creative for this red card that I made for the article. Make sure you check out all nine of the cards in the issue.

Paige Evans suggested we have Kelly Daye be our mini album contributor, and oh my word, she knocked our socks off! Take a peek at just a tiny bit of the beauty that Kelly created. I mean WOW! What talent

Every page (even the ads!) in the summer 2022 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today will inspire you, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to share it with you!

What section of the magazine do you look forward to each issue? Which project in the summer issue is your very favorite? Let us know in a comment!

Find more of Susan’s work here : Instagram | Facebook