Hello, and happy Thursday, friends! It’s Jess Forster here. I loved the traditional colour scheme that you can find in this month’s SCT Sampler. Take a look at the beautiful products included this month from Echo Park Paper, American Crafts and LDRS Creative:

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I love fall, and one of my favourite autumn stories to document is warm fall days spent outdoors. I decided to tell the story of my son’s favourite fall activity, hiking, on one of those beautiful warm fall days. Have a look: 

Supplies | SCT Sampler; Page Protectors: Ali Edwards; Adhesive: Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L; Font: Remington Noiseless

I loved the combination of orange, yellow and green from the Sampler and I decided to create a 6 x 8-inch double pocket page layout about my son’s love of hikes in the year that Sam found his love of the outdoors. As you can see, he not just walks, but skips when he is on the trail!

I cut the 6 x 6-inch pieces of patterned paper down to 4 x 6-inch and 3 x 4-inch to use as a background or placeholder for my journaling and title/filler cards. I created a 5 x 3-inch typed canvas to tell my story about Sam’s excitement about going outside in nature. I used the word saying to create a unique title, “This was a special day.” I placed gold puffy hearts from the Sampler in a visual triangle to create interest around the pocket page. 

Pairing bright photos with traditional products in pockets, like those you can find in the SCT Sampler, can be a great way to tell a favourite story. Thanks for reading! Happy crafting!

Find more of Jess’ work here: Instagram | YouTube | Blog


Click HERE to learn more about the SCT Sampler!

The current subscription window to start with our first Sampler of 2023 is almost closed! Be sure to click the link above to find out how you can subscribe for as little as $15 per month today and find a happy package of the latest products in the papercrafting industry in your mailbox each month—in sample size!